
Weaver game, also known as the "word ladder" game. It is a word puzzle that challenges players to find a path between two words by changing one letter at a time

About Weaver

Weaver game, also known as the "word ladder" game, was created by Lewis Carroll in 1877. It is a word puzzle that challenges players to find a path between two words by changing one letter at a time. The objective is to start with a four-letter word and gradually change one letter in each subsequent word until reaching the end word. Similar to Wordle, Weaver Game offers a fun and engaging word-based challenge. Players have six chances to guess the path between the two words.

How to play

 - Start and End Words: A four-letter start word and an end word are used to start the game.

 - In the game Weaver, players must change one letter in each consecutive word to find a route from the beginning word to the ending word.

 - Only one letter from the preceding word can be altered to generate the following word in the ladder.

 - Optimal Solutions: While getting to the final phrase with the fewest alterations is the aim, there may be more than one right answer to the puzzle.


  • Start with the Start Word: Get started with the four-letter start word that is provided.
  • Change One Letter: To produce the following word in the ladder, only one letter needs to be changed in each stage.
  • Continue rearranging letters until you reach the final word.

Weaver Modes:

  • Daily Weaver Mode: This mode offers a constant challenge to all participants by giving them the same set of start and end words.
  • Weaver Unlimited Mode: In this mode, players can investigate problems from earlier games and view the outcomes of those games.

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