
Plangman is a unique and captivating puzzle game that seamlessly blends elements from classic games like Hangman, platforming, and physics ...

About plangman

Plangman is a unique and captivating puzzle game that seamlessly blends elements from classic games like Hangman, platforming, and physics. Set against the backdrop of an interstellar fairy tale, the game revolves around the adventures of a space pilot, his love interest, and the meddling wizard who stands between them. In this engaging puzzle platformer, players embark on a journey through 26 levels of futuristic storytelling while enjoying an inspiring synthesizer soundtrack. With over 160 words to guess, each accompanied by visual clues, "Plangman" offers innovative gameplay, multiple solutions to puzzles, and a unique zoom-based health system. The basic edition provides an exciting sneak peek into the world of "Plangman," while the deluxe edition offers even more thrilling features.


Plangman introduces an innovative blend of gameplay styles:

  • Wheel of Fortune Meets Lode Runner: The core gameplay combines the word-guessing mechanics of Hangman with the platforming and physics challenges of Lode Runner. This fusion creates a unique and engaging gaming experience.

  • Futuristic Fairy Tale Story: As you progress through the game's 26 levels, you'll be immersed in an interstellar fairy tale. The story unfolds gradually, adding depth to your adventure and providing a captivating narrative backdrop.

  • Visual and Auditory Experience: The game boasts an inspiring synthesizer soundtrack that enhances the overall atmosphere. The visual clues accompanying each word make the guessing process more immersive.

  • Multiple Solutions: Many puzzles in "Plangman" offer multiple solutions, allowing players to approach challenges creatively. This encourages experimentation and adds replay value.

  • Randomization: The game features randomization of words and level layouts, ensuring that each playthrough is slightly different. This element of unpredictability keeps the gameplay fresh and exciting.

  • Unique Zoom-Based Health System: "Plangman" introduces a distinct health system tied to zooming in and out. Managing your zoom level is crucial for your character's survival and progression.

  • Two-Player Mode: The Deluxe Edition includes a "Challenge a Friend" mode, allowing you to test your word-guessing and platforming skills against a friend in a competitive and cooperative setting.


Plangman offers a range of functions to enhance your gaming experience:

  • Epilogue and Lost Levels: The Deluxe Edition extends the game with a five-level epilogue and 26 additional "Lost Levels." These levels introduce a new "broken jetpack" mechanic for added complexity and excitement.

  • Challenge a Friend: In the Deluxe Edition, you can engage in two-player gameplay, competing or cooperating with a friend to solve puzzles and overcome challenges.

  • Text-Based Level Editor: The game's deluxe edition includes a text-based level editor, allowing players to create their own levels and stories. This feature adds replayability and the opportunity for players to showcase their creativity.

How to play plangman

Using Mouse

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