A brand-new word-guessing game that cleverly combines the worlds of words and flags is called Phlagl. By using ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country codes ...


A brand-new word-guessing game that cleverly combines the worlds of words and flags is called Phlagl. By using ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country codes, which are visualized as flag emojis, to create a novel spin on the well-known Wordle game, Phlagl creates a fun and original gameplay experience.


 - Game Concept: The fun part of Phlagl's gameplay is figuring out sentences that can be expressively represented utilizing flag emojis. Emoticons of flags that match ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country codes make up each suggested word.

 - Word Guessing: The main objective of this game is to figure out the target word, which is constructed using a variety of flag emojis. The word can be decoded an endless number of times by players.

 - Word Variety: On each playing, a new word is chosen at random from a list of more than 900 words. This dynamic makes sure the game is always interesting and has a wide variety of obstacles.

 - Guessing Mechanism: Players can choose flag emojis directly to form words or piece together words by clicking on individual letters. The game allows you to use your preferred method of guessing.

 - Hints and Assistance: Helpful tips are provided by the game when you're in a bind, leading you in the right direction for a resolution. These indicators can be quite helpful in guiding you toward understanding the word.

there are many other games developed under IMMACULATE GRID, let's try them out