DRILLBIT is a captivating fusion of a word game and a drilling adventure that will put your vocabulary skills to the test. In this unique game, your goal is ...


DRILLBIT is a captivating fusion of a word game and a drilling adventure that will put your vocabulary skills to the test. In this unique game, your goal is to mine for letters to form an English word while following hints and categories. With clues like the word being a noun and the category being food, you must skillfully excavate the correct letters to uncover the mystery word. The rules of the game are reminiscent of Hangman, where you have 6 chances to guess the correct word. Whether you're looking to enrich your vocabulary or enjoy a brain-teasing challenge, DRILLBIT offers both daily word challenges and unlimited free play options.


 - Word Mining: Your objective is to mine for letters in order to piece together an English word.

 - Hints and Categories: You'll be provided with hints and categories to guide your word-mining adventure. For instance, the hint might be that the word is a noun, and the category could be food-related.

 - 6 Chances: Similar to Hangman, you have 6 chances to guess the correct word. Each incorrect guess brings you one step closer to the end of the game.

 - Objective: Successfully mine for letters to form the correct word while conserving your chances.


  • Daily Word Challenge: Engage in daily word challenges to test your vocabulary and word-forming skills.

  • Unlimited Freeplay: If you prefer to play without time constraints, unlimited freeplay mode allows you to enjoy the game at your own pace.


1. Pay Attention to Hints: Carefully analyze the hints and categories provided. They will help narrow down the possibilities and guide your letter mining.

2. Start with Common Letters: Begin by mining for common letters in the English language. This can help you eliminate less likely options.

3. Word Familiarity: If you encounter letters that form a word you're familiar with, consider whether it fits the hint and category provided.

4. Use Chances Wisely: Be strategic with your guesses. Avoid making risky guesses early on and preserve your chances for more informed attempts.

How to play DRILLBIT

  • Controls are WASD or arrow keys to move and look up/down; space, Z, or Q to jump; and shift, X, or E to drill.

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