
Daccordle is a captivating game that challenges players to determine which candidates support particular ideas. Players have a limited number of chances to correctly identify the candidates who support the put-forward plan.

About Daccordle

Daccordle is a captivating game that challenges players to determine which candidates support particular ideas. Players have a limited number of chances to correctly identify the candidates who support the put-forward plan.


 - Objective: The main objective of Daccordle is to precisely identify candidates who support a given plan.

 - Guessing Candidates: Participants select candidates they feel will support the presented idea. Candidates can be chosen using a certain procedure, like clicking on their names or related tiles.

 - Checking Your Estimate: After choosing a candidate, players confirm their selections by pressing the "enter" key to see if their estimate was accurate.

 - Color-Coded Feedback: Feedback is provided by changing the color of the tiles that are connected to candidates after each guess. A green tile indicates that the candidate's prediction was accurate and that they approve of the idea. In contrast, the guess for that candidate is wrong if the tile still has a different hue.

 - Limited Tries: Players are given a limited number of chances to make a correct prediction. Players have four chances to accurately identify the candidates who support the plan in this case.

 - Availability: Two new DACCORDLEs (proposal-candidate combinations) are added to the game every day. Due to the regular gameplay interaction, players are better able to understand the candidates' points of view on numerous ideas.

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