BUCKSHOT ROULETTE is a daring and macabre tabletop horror game that daringly reimagines the perilous thrill of Russian Roulette. Unlike its predecessor, ...


BUCKSHOT ROULETTE is a daring and macabre tabletop horror game that daringly reimagines the perilous thrill of Russian Roulette. Unlike its predecessor, which typically employs a revolver, this game elevates the stakes by utilizing a 12-gauge pump-action shotgun. The incorporation of this powerful firearm not only intensifies the risk but also introduces distinct mechanics, infusing a fresh sense of tension and strategy into this lethal game of chance.

The setting for this harrowing experience unfolds at the summit of an underground nightclub. Amidst the rhythmic tremors of forgotten drum machines, players find themselves confronted by a malevolent AI dealer, set to oversee the game's eerie proceedings.


  • Setup: Gather a group of brave participants. Ensure the shotgun is loaded with a single round and prepared for the game.
  • Player Turns: Each player takes a turn, confronting the dreaded shotgun. The mechanics involve pumping the shotgun and pulling the trigger, with a tension-filled twist—instead of a bullet, a single blank cartridge is initially loaded into the chamber.
  • Consequences Unveiled: The trigger is pulled, unleashing either a harmless click, signaling the empty chamber, or an explosive blast of the blank cartridge.
  • Reloading and Increasing Risk: After each turn, the shotgun is reloaded, increasing the probability of a live round entering the chamber. The tension heightens as the chances of an actual shot escalate.
  • Survival or Consequence: Players continue to take turns, navigating the escalating risk until either a live round is fired, resulting in dire consequences, or until one player emerges as the sole survivor, having navigated the treacherous rounds unscathed.


  • Enhanced Suspense: The use of a 12-gauge shotgun intensifies the stakes, amplifying the nerve-wracking tension inherent in Russian Roulette.
  • Strategic Elements: Players must grapple with the unique mechanics of a pump-action shotgun, adding layers of strategy and decision-making to each heart-pounding turn.
  • Immersive Setting: The atmospheric backdrop of an underground nightclub, coupled with the ominous presence of the AI dealer, creates an immersive and chilling ambiance for the game.
  • Risk vs. Reward: As the game progresses, the calculated risk amplifies, forcing players to confront the ever-increasing chance of encountering a loaded round.

BUCKSHOT ROULETTE is a harrowing and adrenaline-pumping tabletop game that challenges players to navigate perilous odds while immersing themselves in an unnervingly atmospheric setting. With its innovative mechanics and amplified stakes, it promises an unforgettable and spine-tingling experience for those daring enough to test their luck in the face of deadly odds.


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