
As a Shakespeare-themed Wordle, Bardle challenges players to guess five-letter words associated with Shakespeare's language or characters

About Bardle

Bardle is a fun word puzzle game that pays homage to the literary genius William Shakespeare. As a Shakespeare-themed Wordle, Bardle challenges players to guess five-letter words related to Shakespeare's language or characters. This game is a gift for fans of Shakespeare's works who appreciate his rich vocabulary and iconic characters in his plays.

How to play

  • Bardle's goal was to choose a five-letter term that was connected to Shakespeare's language or the characters' vocabulary.
  • The player can enter his prediction for the hidden word on the grid of the game screen, which has 5 columns and 6 rows.
  • Players must choose five-letter words in Shakespeare's language or refer to the person, place, or object in his play.
  • Letters can be selected and guessed from five letters that can be generated by the player using their keyboard. They can use the delete key to delete any letters that are not correct.
  • Players can press Enter to verify their chosen word after the initial guess. The color of the grid cells will indicate how accurate their predictions are.

Color index

  • Green: The cell will be green if a letter in the guess is in the correct position.
  • Yellow: The cell turns yellow if a letter is included in the word but is positioned incorrectly.
  • Gray: no letter from secret word specified

Shakespearean Challenge

  • The goal of the game is to get the player to analyze Shakespeare's language and character names.
  • Players will have an advantage in understanding secret words if they are familiar with Shakespeare's works and characters.

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