
Absurdle is a challenging and engaging word-guessing game, perfect for those seeking a greater level of difficulty than Wordle. In Absurdle, your task is to ...

About Absurdle

Absurdle is a challenging and engaging word-guessing game, perfect for those seeking a greater level of difficulty than Wordle. In Absurdle, your task is to guess a five-letter word. However, the game system doesn't want you to win easily, so it changes the mystery word each time you play. There are no time limits in Absurdle, allowing you to play for as long as you like without losing until you guess the correct word.

How to play

  • Mystery Word Selection: When you start the game, the system doesn't already have a mystery word ready. Instead, it chooses the mystery word based on the words you guess.
  • Shrinking Word List: Absurdle's internal word list shrinks with each word you enter, starting with over 2,000 possible words.
  • Force the System: To achieve success in Absurdle, you must force the game system to use your chosen word.
  • Grey Words: Your first few words will likely be entirely grey as the system fights against you.
  • Narrowing Down Possibilities: Use two words at the start that share no letters in common to quickly narrow down the list of possible words.
  • Random Guess: For those who prefer not to guess on their own, there is a random guess button that lets the system select five-letter words for your rows randomly.
  • Changing Mystery Word: Absurdle changes the mystery word each time you fail to guess, based on the green and yellow words you did guess.


  • Challenging Word-Guessing: Absurdle offers a greater level of difficulty for players who find Wordle too easy.
  • Unlimited Play: There are no time limits, allowing players to keep guessing until they find the correct word.

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